The reThink CIO Forum series is CIO Academy Asia’s initiative to bring together some of the best practitioners to rethink the role of a CIO in organisations.Luxcer Asia/AsiaInvest is partnering with CIO Academy Asia, VACD and CIO Vietnam to organize the ReThink CIO Forum Vietnam 2019 in HCMC.
The rise of disruptive technologies has fundamentally changed how organisations remain relevant. CIOs are now challenged to adapt to this new global transformation. In order to achieve this, they have to break away from traditions and rethink how they can strategise to transform their organisations. This will involve CIOs coming up with innovative approaches in managing an IT organisation of the future.
During this forum, you will gather thought-provoking insights on how the evolving IT trends and strategies can lead to reframing business models and creating value for your organisation. The session will also help to promote intuitive observation, stimulate reflective conversations and foster deeper reflections.
This forum will focus on the following three key areas to help technology leaders chart a new course and rethink their strategies for the digital economy.